Scenario: Buyer makes an offer. Seller counters the offer with changes. Buyer accepts the counter / changes. Here's the question of the day: Who has to initial the changes? First correct answer, will receive a $10 Starbucks card! A link will be posted straight from TR website that pertains to changes and who's initials are required.... Here is the link to how you determine effective date: The second entry and response. All parties must unequivocally accept changes, how is that achieved by all parties initialing any and all changes made after the offer was originally drafted. REGARDLESS of what a Big Box Brokerage compliance officer tells their agent, you are covered from the Broker down with the knowledge to know the way it works and to protect you. Use these tidbits of info to stand your ground and get the documents air tight!

Posted by Kendra Kirby at 2022-06-28 17:20:08 UTC